Heike Berl



Die Künstlerin Heike Berl setzt sich mit deutscher Zeitgeschichte und Umweltaspekten auseinander. Zeichnungen, Großformate aus handgeschöpften Papieren, Materialexperimente sowie Editionen in reduzierter Farbigkeit sind Charakteristika ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit. In Ergänzung zu ihren bildnerischen Werken schreibt Heike Berl Gedichte zu den Themen Natur, Musik und Kunstgeschichte.


Heike Berl is a visual artist, based in Dresden, Germany. A graduate of the Anhalt University Dessau of Design and the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, she explores the idea of poetry and transience in life and nature in her work. Heike Berl received the lithography award of the Munich House of Artists Foundation, a catalog grant and a travel grant of the state capital Dresden to Sweden. Recently, she has been able to realize her artistic works on current German contemporary history as well as environmental aspects through project funding from the Steiner Foundation Munich and a work scholarship of the state capital Dresden. To complement her visual works, Heike Berl writes poetry on the themes of nature, music and art history.